Lance is a level 19 zombie sorcerer in the online MMOG Discordia (an online multiplayer game, like Warcraft). He battles monsters with his friend, MrsKeller (level 23 hobgoblin brigand) and collects gold and experience to advance to the next level. Dying is certainly not something to seek out, but it's no big deal; his character will resurrect with no harm done. Real life seems dreary in comparison, and Lance can't wait to get home every day to play.
But when Lance and his friend are transported to the real Discordia, things become serious very quickly. Lance and Adam (MrsKeller) must complete a high-level quest, or the entire world will collapse, with them in it. Worse, Lance will soon disintegrate into the character he plays; a zombie!
Full of action, adventure and role-playing lingo, this book will have huge appeal for players of online games like runescape, WOW, and neverwinter nights. Every player has occasionally wondered what would happen if the game suddenly turned real, and this book takes the concept and runs with it. The straightforward plot and light characterization make this book perfect for reluctant readers and action fans. Best for boys or roleplayers in grades 6-9.
Grades 6-0
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