Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Novel: Endymion Spring

This fast paced new book could become the Da Vinci Code for kids. It begins in the winter of 1452, where Endymion Spring toils in the workshop of Johann Gutenberg. A strange man appears on the doorstep, carrying a secret chest marked with dragons and serpents, and offers Gutenberg a tempting but deadly deal; a mountain of gold in exchange for the use of the newly invented printing press. Endymion can't resist lifting the lid of the chest, and he finds something that makes him flee towards Oxford.

Fast forward to Oxford in the present, where Blake and his sister Duck are staying with their mother while she studies at the famous Bodleian Library. Wandering through the shelves, Blake finds a mysterious book called...Endymion Spring. Blake and his sister are swiftly drawn into a race where they attempt to bring together all the fragments of the book before they are found by the Person in Shadow. They must discover who is friend and who is foe, as the book leads them into the subterranean depths of the library's forgotten stacks.

Fantasy/Historical Fiction

Grades 5 and up

Click here to get to the Port Moody Public Library's catalogue!

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