Friday, April 17, 2009

Poetry: An Awesome Book

Once you get your hands on this book, I guarantee that you will want to buy it and read it to your kids all the time. Heck, forget about your kids; you'll want to read it yourself!

An Awesome Book is an exhortation to dream big. No, not just big, but HUGE! The dreams in the beginning are so wonderful that every person with even a little bit of childhood still in them will say "Oh my god, that's AWESOME!" We're talking candy cane machines, rocket powered unicorns, magical watermelon boats, tiny ant bands trained by raccoons, and a host of other silly and wonderful dreams. The message is, never laugh at your dreams, or question them, or try to make them conform or go away; they are what make us joyful and unique. A perfect and timely message for our stressed, over scheduled kids.
This book will make adults remember what it's like to be a kid, and hopefully it will encourage our kids to retain that sense of wonder and awe at our amazing world. In fact, read the whole thing online here.
Click here to check out the Port Moody Public Library's website!

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