Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Nonfiction: Art Panels, Bam! Speech Bubbles, Pow!: writing your own graphic novel

This solid installment in the Writer's Toobox series covers the basics of how to craft your own graphic novel. Readers who are ready to make the jump to creation can use this title as a starting point, but may need to consult more detailed works as well.

The simple text is aimed at younger readers, who may be relatively inexperienced at reading graphic content. The clear, large-scale cartoons are designed to appeal to younger readers, and support rather than enhance the text information. Each full page spread includes a "tool", or tip, for writers: these tips are actually more like annotated steps that kids can follow during the creation process. The "getting started" exercises at the end of the book are particularly useful as prompts for those suffering from the dreaded writers' (or illustrators') block.

Again, this very simple title contains just the basics about creating a comic. Background info, such as "what is a graphic novel", is completely appropriate in this context: older readers with more graphic titles under their belts might find some introductory elements too obvious, and hunger for a meatier guide. Suggest this title for kids in grades 3-6 who are looking for a place to begin their graphic opus.

Grades 3-6
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